dd Demure

dd Demure knew from a very young age that her olive skinned body was destined to bathe in the heat of the tropics.  Alas, the careless act of a derelict stork landed her far, far north of her southern native land. Taken in by a band of traveling French Canadian gypsies, they nursed her on maple syrup and cider and fueled her spirit with step dance and fiddle. dd did her very best to live the straightest life a Francophone gypsy could hope for, but all the poutine and split pea soup in the world could not warm her chilled bones.  She yearned to head south, and her longing for warmer winds would not be denied. 

One cold winter night, Ms. Demure disappeared into the dark, leaving her life of petty crime behind.  She castaway aboard a Carnival cruise ship headed for Hawaiian shores.  At home at last, she found her new family on stage with her Volary sisters. Finally, her true hot-blooded nature could thrive. Ms. Demure’s performance may mislead you with Canadian  niceties, but take heed; this little pickpocket is much more than she appears.